
發表人:Dean Shueh 文章觀看數:1009 發表時間:2013/04/04 文章分類:趣味小品

我最近看了一本書,作者是台大物理係教授高涌泉,書名是《另一種鼓聲 - 科學筆記》。書中有一篇文章是《愛因斯坦語錄》。在愛因斯坦「語錄」中,有一些看法,十分有趣,帶給了我一些聯想。

愛因斯坦說過:「想象力比知識重要,因爲知識是有限的,而想象力則涵蓋了整個世界」。(Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world)。

愛因斯坦還說過,「真正有價值的是直覺。在探索的道路上,智力無甚用處」(The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.)。






"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." 







“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”



對於愛因斯坦來説,如果學校老師無法「簡單說清楚」一些理論,在學校上課,就是在「干擾學習」“interferes with my learning”。我想這就是愛因斯坦,對於學校教育評價不高的原因。




“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”.


愛因斯坦認爲,他做學問的最大推動力,不是來自於他的「特殊才智」“special talents”; 而是來自於他「激情般的好奇心」。



“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science.”




Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress,, giving birth to evolution.

愛因斯坦認爲,想象力「刺激進步,是演化的起源」,英文的原文是“stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”。





“The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”

 "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." 


"I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple." 




“It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer”



"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = x + y + z;  x is work. y is play, z is keep your mouth shut." 




“It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom”






2001年的一部電影,《美麗境界》(A Beautiful Mind),是一部自傳性的電影。這部電影,在敍述諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,天才數學家約翰.納許(John Nash)的故事。在電影中引述了約翰.納許的話,他說,「我不喜歡與他人交往,他人也不喜歡與我交往。」








結語 –火爐與姑娘 


“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”




我在此表列本文所引用的愛因斯坦「語錄」。其中的第九、十三、與十四條,摘自於高涌泉教授的《另一種鼓聲 - 科學筆記》書中,我沒有搜尋到英文原文。如果有人能知道這幾條「語錄」的英文原文,歡迎告知。其他大多數的「語錄」條文,包含英文原文,都是由 Google 中擷取得來。

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." 

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”

3. 《我沒有特殊的才能,有的只是強烈的好奇心》
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science.”

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress,, giving birth to evolution.” 

6. 《真正有價值的是直覺。在探索的道路上,智力無甚用處》
“The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”

7. 《我們應該使任何事物都變得越簡單越好,而不僅是比較簡單》
 "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." 

8. 《我深切的相信,宇宙運行的原理,是優美而又簡單》
"I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple." 

9. 《當我在評判一個理論時,會問自己,如果我是上帝,會這樣來安排世界嗎?》

10. 《不是因爲我很聰明,而是因爲我與問題“纏鬥”的時間比較久》
    “It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer”

11. 《如果A代表一個人的成功,那麼A等於x加y加z。勤奮工作是x;y是玩耍,而z是把嘴閉上》
"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. 
Z is keep your mouth shut." 

12. 《要打破人的偏見,比崩解一個原子還難》 
“It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom”

13. 《我已經認清人際關係之無常,,所以學會把自己和熱與冷隔離開來,這樣才能保證溫度的平衡。》

14. 《選擇少數幾個人,投以無限的愛慕,認爲他們有超人的心智與品格,我認爲這樣是很不公平的,

15. 《把你的手放在滾熱的爐子上一分鐘,感覺起來像一小時。坐在一個漂亮姑娘身邊整整一小時,
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, 
and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”
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  • Alex 於2013/05/22回應
    Something strange happened to my post and there was no option to edit it.  Rather than repost the entire response, I will simply add the missing context that was supposed to be at the beginning of the post:
    "My friend Mr. William Liu shared with me this interesting discussion and asked me to post my response to him.  My response to William is given below, it contains my humble opinion, but perhaps it might serve to facilitate further discussions or explorations in the area."
  • Alex 於2013/05/22回應
    What normally happens when I am presented with a situation, I seek to understand the context.  Part of the context is the supposed quote from Einstein.  In this age of the Internet, information is readily accessible, however, not all information are "equal".  My challenging mind almost immediately decided to check the validity of the quote, and it appears it is actually a misquote, ie. there is no direct evidence the quote came from Einstein and in fact the quote is likely to be a (mis-)paraphrase from another person which has been "carried far and wide" in its misquoted form by the Internet and accepted as "fact".  According to quoted works, Einstein has actually stated on many occasions that intuition does not come on its own and is built upon experience and intellect, so each play valuable roles.  Why might people not check sources?  Laziness, perhaps.  More likely, it sounds good and give an idea gravitas if it came from a "great mind" such as Einstein's.  This is very common if you recall "Power by Association" (stage 2 in Janet Hagberg's Real Power).
    Going back to your query of whether you had listed "right" questions, my personal view is that even if Einstein did make the quote, I would still want to understand the context under which it was made because often meanings are distorted because words are taken out of context. What might Einstein had been thinking of or referring to at the time and is it (now and in the future) applicable to all, some, or even only one unique situation(s)?  Did he retract, modify, or re-contextualize the idea at other times?  Even if none of those happened, could Einstein had been incorrect (those situations have also been documented)?
    Since it appears Einstein did not make the original quote and other evidence suggests he valued experience and intellect in their rightful roles.  It does not appear intuition alone is valuable in discovery in Einstein's mind.  My question then is what does your experiences, intellect and intuitions tell you to be "true" ~for you~?
    I trust the above is of some use.
    For individuals wanting to do their own due diligence or reference checking, one might try Wikiquotes (the page on Einstein's quotes is below):
    Or, better yet, seek even more reputable sources.
  • Dean Shueh 於2013/05/12回應
    當時蘇黎世工業大學的格羅斯,Marcel Grossman,是當代傑出的數學家。於是愛因斯坦求教於格羅斯。格羅斯以黎曼幾何(也稱微分幾何)的理論架構,成功的幫助了愛因斯坦,來描述他的《廣義相對論》。
  • 劉匡華 於2013/05/12回應
    很高興Fun Gau兄願意分享他對愛因斯坦語錄的看法。大學時代與Fun Gau的徹夜常談一直是我人生最美好的回憶之一。
    Fun Gau兄希望回到愛因斯坦的原始語錄說起。顯然他不是很讚成愛氏的這句話:
    “The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”
    有2,3拾人”智力”與愛氏相當但是”直覺”輸愛氏?因為他們都在解決”錯誤的問題”。你認為愛氏所說的”直覺”就是能幫助找到”對的問題”的能力 ?”對的問題”(對的目標或方向)已經是普世價值了。因為方向最重要,方向對了遲早會達到目的地。方向錯了再努力也到不了目的地。
    1.	直覺與智力是什麼?
    2.	選擇”對的問題”是靠直覺嗎?
    3.	直覺是可以靠努力來加強的嗎?
    4.	如何培養問”對的問題”的能力?
    5.	要討論愛氏的這句話應該有什麼前提?
    6.	愛氏的這句話值得討論嗎?
    7.	我們應討論有建設性的問題還是跟著感覺與好奇心走?
  • Fungau Ho 於2013/05/08回應
    Very interresting link.  Since there are several comments/responses on "intuition", I'll share my thoughts on that topic.
    "The only real valuable thing is intuition.  The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery."  ---  Einstein.
    This is a strong and exaggerate statement. We all know that in the science field, one can not do much without intellect. How can he say that the intellect has little (which means next to nothing) to do on the road to discovery and intellect is the only real valuable thing (not one of them but the only).  He stands at a much higher level than we do.  We can only interpret his saying based on his level not ours.
    One of the mathmatic guru in Princeton at Einstein's time said that he can find 20 to 30 mathmaticians who are more capable than Einstein, but they are solving the wrong problems.  Even you are more capable, more intellective, you will be on the wrong road to discovery.  What is the right problem?  What is the right path?  In Einstein's word, it is intuition.
    Modern physics becomes more difficult to understand.  Can you imagin what a 20 dimentions world will look like?  They say yesterday's sciense fiction may become tomorrow's reality.  Imagination and pick the right imagination (I guess that is intuition.) is the key to a successful research.
    One day, an apple fell from the tree and hit Newton's head.  That made Newton's imagination machine (also called brain) running.  He might come up with tens or hundreds ideas why apples fell, but he liked the one best "there is an invisible force pulling it down".  At that time there was no knowledge or intellect to explane the invisible force, so what do you call it, sciense fiction, imagination, or intuitive.  Then, Newton worked on that intuitive and developed the theory of gravity.  Newton was the greatest mind, the most intellective mathmatician at his time.  
    Could it be possible that some other people had similar ideas but did not have the mathmatical capability to develop into a gravity theory?  Could it be possible that some other people had the same mathatical capability but developed a theory and later proven to be wrong?  Now, it is your call which is the only real valuable thing on the road to discovery.
    Hundreds years later, when Einstein read Newton's story, he might have tens or hundreds ideas in his mind other than the "invisible force", but he liked the one "the mass of earth define the space and time around it".  Einstein was the greatest mind, the most intellective mathmatician at his time.
    Halley comet visits earth periodically.  Looks back in the past thousands years of history, how many historical events, novels, poems, imaginations, intuitives, studies, researchs, theories and so on and so forth were caused by Halley.  Diffeerent eyes see different things and that leads to different results.  The sky is blue.  The rose is red.  It is a wonderful world.  One rice feeds hundreds people.  Whatever you read out of it is just whatever you are.
    It is funny that I'm thinking what would my thoughts be if I were 20, 40, or 80 years old.  Just like what you see in a mirror - it is a reflection of you.  I don't know what I'm talking about.  Have fun reading, thinking, and let your mind fly.