Living Will-Finland

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以下是來自歐洲大陸-芬蘭的Living Will,充分呈現對生命的"豁達",簡潔明瞭,依據個人需求,進行修訂。

*譯者:鄺允銘 先生         
                  ☆ LIVING WILL ☆
Hereby I
__________________      _______________________
Full name                Date of birth

order that in case I, as a consequence of a serious illness or accident, loose my legal capacity on account of e.g. unconsciousness, or infirmity due to old age, all modes of treatment artificially maintaining my vital functions shall be excluded, unless reliable reasons exist for the possibility that I would recover.

However modes of treatment mentioned above, may be applied for elimination or alleviation of serious symptoms.

Giving intensive care to me is to be allowed only on the condition that reliable reasons exist for the possibility that this kind of treatment will have a result better than a merely short prolongation of life.

In case a treatment with a prospect of recovery has been started but proves to be futile, it has to be discontinued immediately.
Place and date
Signature (name, profession, domicile)

As especially invited unchallengeable witnesses, simultaneously present, we hereby state that Name of the author of the will whom we know well, has personally signed the above living will and declared it to be his/her firm will. He/she has made this living will of his/her own will, being of sound mind and in full capacity and fully understanding the meaning of it.
Place and date
Signatures of two unchallengeable witnesses
____________________     ____________________
Name                      Name
____________________     ____________________
Profession                Profession
____________________     ____________________
Domicile                  Domicile
____________________     ____________________
Print your name            Print your name

                A LIVING WILL

Name and date of birth have to be inserted into the form. The text inside the lines can be left unchanged or erased. It is important that everyone personally thinks over the matter, making decision in it in accordance with his/her own will.

If you have an attending physician/family doctor, it is advisable to inform him/her of the existence of the living will and, if possible, deposit a copy of it with him/her.

The living will should be deposited at a place where it can easily be found by the next of kin or others, as and when needed. Understandably, a copy can also be kept along all the time.

The witnesses should be most carefully chosen. It is also advisable to discuss with them your wishes and your attitude towards life, death and prolongation of life.

Hopefully, the services of these witnesses are not going to be needed. Questioning of the
witnesses may be needed to dispel possible suspicions risen concerning genuine origin of the living will, i.e. misgivings that the living will was not drafted by you personally, or that your true will is not expressed therein.

The above formula (original in Finnish) has been drafted by Paula Kokkonen, LLM, Deputy Director General, National Agency for Welfare and Health, Finland


               ☆ LIVING WILL ☆

本人 _______________________(生日_____________)茲聲明,如本人因遭逢嚴重意外傷害、發生重大疾病,或因年邁病篤,以致完全喪失心智意識及法律行為能力時,除有相當之理由可以合理相信本人仍有復原之可能性外,請停止一切企圖維持本人生命之人為治療行為。





____________________     ____________________   
  姓名                        姓名
____________________     ____________________
  職業                        職業
____________________     ____________________
  住址                        住址
____________________     ____________________
 簽章                         簽章


以上的方案(原文是芬蘭語)由Paula Kokkonen(芬蘭,國家福利與健康機構副總幹事,法律碩士學位)起草
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