Sample California Living Will

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台灣可以見賢思齊,具備全球化思維,在地化作為,攜手擬定一套適合台灣的Living Will! 

*譯者:鄺允銘 先生

                    GIVEN BY
               HOMER ROGER SIMPSON

                     PART 1
(1)DESIGNATION OF AGENT: I designate the following individual as my agent to make health-care decisions for me: Marge Simpson whose residence is 123 Simpson Way, Springfield and whose telephone number is 222-111-0101.
If Marge Simpson shall be unable or unwilling to act as my agent for health-care decisions, I designate the following individual to act as my successor agent: Lisa Simpson whose residence is 123 Simpson Way, Springfield and whose telephone number is 222-111-0101.

(2)AGENT'S AUTHORITY: My agent is authorized to make all health-care decisions for me, including those forms of health care necessary to keep me alive. Furthermore, the authority I give my agent shall include decisions to provide, withhold, or withdraw artificial nutrition. The power of my agent granted herein shall not be affected by my subsequent incapacity.

(3)WHEN AGENT'S AUTHORITY BECOMES EFFECTIVE: My agent's authority becomes effective when both (1) my attending physician determines that I am no longer able to understand, appreciate, and direct my medical treatment and (2) two physicians--one of whom is my attending physician and the other is qualified and experienced in making such diagnosis--have personally examined me and have diagnosed and documented in my medical records that I am either terminally ill or that I am in a state of persistent unconsciousness with no reasonable expectation of recovery.

(4)AGENT'S OBLIGATION: My agent shall make health-care decisions for me in accordance with this power of attorney for health care and any instructions I give in Part 2 of this form. To the extent my wishes are unknown, my agent shall make health-care decisions for me in accordance with what my agent determines to be in my best interest. In determining my best interest, my agent shall consider my personal values to the extent known to my agent.

(5)NOMINATION OF GUARDIAN: If a guardian of my person needs to be appointed for me by a court, I nominate the agent designated in this form. If that agent is not willing, able, or reasonably available to act as guardian, I nominate the alternate agents whom I have named, in the order designated.

                     PART 2

I have the primary right to make my own decisions concerning treatment that might unduly prolong the dying process. By this declaration, I express to my physician, family and friends my intent.

(6)END-OF-LIFE DECISIONS: In cases where both (1) my attending physician determines that I am no longer able to understand, appreciate, and direct my medical treatment and (2) two physicians--one of whom is my attending physician and the other is qualified and experienced in making such diagnosis—have personally examined me and have diagnosed and document in my medical records that I am either terminally ill or that I am in a state of persistent unconsciousness with no reasonable expectation of recovery, I direct that my health-care providers and others involved in my care provide, withhold, or withdraw treatment in accordance with the choices I have stated below. The word "Withhold" shall be used to mean both withholding the treatment if it has not yet been given and withdrawing the treatment if it is currently being administered.

Withhold: Artificially supplied nutrition and hydration (including tube feeding or food and water)、Surgery or other invasive procedures (i.e., those where medical instruments must enter the body)、Heart-lung resuscitation (CPR)、Antibiotics、Kidney or Renal dialysis、Mechanical ventilator (respirator)、Chemotherapy and other radiation therapy、All other "life sustaining" medical procedures that are merely intended to keep me alive without reasonable hope of improving my condition

I hereby acknowledge the above choices: 

Homer Roger Simpson 
Declarant / Principal

(8)RELIEF FROM PAIN: I direct that I be given medical treatment to relieve pain or to provide comfort, even if such treatment might shorten my life, suppress my appetite or my breathing, or be habit-forming.

                    PART 3

(8)ORGAN DONATION: Upon my death, I wish to donate any and all of my organs, tissues, or other bodily parts for use in transplant to another human being. I authorize my health care agent to give consent to the medical organization of his choosing for donation of my aforementioned body parts.

                    PART 4
               PRIMARY PHYSICIAN

(9)DESIGNATION OF PHYSICIAN: I designate the following physician as my primary physician: Dr. Albert Bundy.

(10)EFFECT OF COPY: A copy of this form has the same effect as the original.

(11)DURABILITY OF HEALTH CARE AGENT'S POWERS: This Health Care Power of Attorney is a durable power of attorney and the authority of my agent shall not terminate if I become disabled or incapacitated or in the event of later uncertainty as to whether I am dead or alive. If I have also executed a durable financial power of attorney, this document is not meant to override that document. My health care agent's powers only extend to health care decisions as outlined in this document.

"Artificially Provided Nutrition and Hydration" means feeding a patient through a means that is not natural such as (1) intravenously (i.e., inserting a needle directly into a patient's veins through which food or water would be forced into the patient's blood stream) or (2) a feeding tube inserted in the nose or mouth through which food or water would be forced into an individual's stomach. Assisted feeding, such as by a spoon or bottle, where the patient actively participates in the feeding process by chewing or swallowing is not considered "artificially provided nutrition and hydration".

"Persistently Unconscious" means a condition that, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty: (a) will last permanently without improvement, (b) one in which cognitive thought, purposeful action, and awareness of self and environment are absent, and (c) which has existed for a period of time sufficient, in accordance with applicable medical standards, to make a diagnosis called for in parts (a) and (b) hereof.

"Terminally Ill" means an incurable and irreversible condition that, without the administration of life-sustaining treatment, will, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, result in death within a relatively short time.

"Life-Sustaining Treatment" means any medical treatment, procedure, or intervention that, in the judgment of the attending physician, when applied to the patient, would serve only to prolong the dying process where the patient has a terminal illness or injury, or would serve only to maintain the patient in a condition of permanent unconsciousness. These procedures shall include, but are not limited to, surgery, chemotherapy, CPR, dialysis, use of mechanical respirators, blood transfusions, and the administration of all drugs and antibiotics (except those intended to ease pain).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign the foregoing as my Health Care Directive and Medical Power of Attorney, do it willingly and as my free and voluntary act for the purposes herein expressed, and further state that I am eighteen years of age or older, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence, this ___   day of November, 2003.

_______________________________ (Please also sign on page 3 above.)
Homer Roger Simpson
Declarant / Principal

City and State of Residence: Springfield, California
Social Security Number: 377103333

                             ) SS.
COUNTY OF _________________)

I, the undersigned, a Notary Public authorized to administer oaths in the State of California, certify that Homer Roger Simpson, the Declarant of this instrument, having appeared before me and having been first duly sworn, has declared to me that he or she has willingly signed and executed the instrument as his or her Medical Directive and Medical Power of Attorney, and that he or she executed such instrument as his or her free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal this ____ day of November, 2003.
________________________________ My Commission Expires: _______________
Notary Public 


                   壹、 醫療照護委任書
(1) 代理人:
本人茲委任  Marge Simpson 女士   
如  Marge Simpson 女士  就前項醫療照護一事,因故不能或拒絕代本人為意思表示時,由  Lisa Simpson 女士(住址:________________電話:_________)繼任為代理人,就前項醫療照護一事代本人為意思表示。 

(2) 代理人之權限:




                   貳、 醫療指示


(6) 臨終前之處置:


停止執行:以人為方式補充養分及水分(包括插管餵食食物及水分)、外科手術或其他侵入性手術(亦即醫療器材必需侵入體內者〉、心肺復甦術 (CPR)、抗生素、洗腎、人工呼吸器、化學治療及其他放射線治療、其他所有之「維持生命之醫療手段」,該等手段僅足以苟延本人之生命,而無相當之可能性足以改善本人之狀況者



               參、 器官捐贈(自由填寫)


           肆、 主治醫師之指定(自由填寫)
本人茲指定  Albert Bundy 醫師為本人之主治醫師。



1)靜脈注射(意即將針管插入病患之靜脈血管中,以便將養分或水分輸入至病患之血液裏); 或,

(b)病患已無法辨識人事物、無法從事有意識之活動、無知覺亦無法感覺周圍之環境; 且,



本人茲聲明,本人係出於自願,且於自由之意志下,以達成本人之意願為目的,簽署本委任書及其所包含之各項醫療指示。本人並聲明,本人已年滿18歲,心智成熟,於未受拘束及不當影響之情況下,於_______年_______月_______日 簽署本委任書。
Homer Roger Simpson
加州                   )
                       ) SS.( Scilicet)亦即
___________ 郡         )

本人,加州合格登錄之公證人,茲證明,Homer Roger Simpson先生,即本件文書之聲明人,係親自於本人之前完成宣誓,並聲明其簽署本件醫療指示及醫療照護委任書,係出於自願,並本於其個人之自由意志,於未受拘束之情況下,為達成其個人之目的而完成簽署者。

基於以上之事實,本人茲於_______年_________月_________日 副署本人之簽名及職章以茲證明。


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